Mulţi ani în urmă în 1992 bazat pe ideea de dl Prof. Stefan Coman, coregraf şi coordonator de copii populare ansamblul "Doruletul" Palatul copiilor şi elevilor din Tulcea, a crea o sărbătoare adevărată de populare peste tot şi Dunăre a aduna mesageri ai folclorului toţi copiii în ţară şi în străinătate, una dintre cele mai mari festivaluri internaţionale populare fondat pentru copii şi tineret din ţară.
De la prima ediţie (1993) Tulcea festivalului au participat şapte externe populare (Bulgaria, Grecia, Polonia, Albania, Georgia, Rusia, Moldova) şi zece seturi reprezentând diferite judete (Alba Bacau, Braila, Constanta, Gorj, Olt, Timis Nasaud, Suceava şi Prahova Salaj). Aceste populară au adăugat judetul Tulcea (slava Isaccea Cercheza, Niculiţel, izvoare, Grecia, Tulcea de Palatul copiilor).
Organizat de Student Club Tulcea, Tulcea Inspectoratul Scolar judeţean şi finanţat de Ministerul Educaţiei şi susţinut financiar de multe companii, primul festival s-a dovedit un succes într-o adunare tulcenii copleşitor. Din primul moment de parada festivalului artistice costume populare străzi au devenit supraaglomerate, şi mai târziu camera Arată a fi asediat de curioşi de toate vârstele.
Deoarece calendarul Festivalului International festivaluri 1995 este inclusă în anual publicat de B secţiunea internaţional Consiliul de folclor festivaluri organizaţia (CIOFF) al UNESCO.
Numărul mare de oameni practic forţat organizatorii pentru anii următori să deţină spectacole in aer liber in afara concursului.
În 1995, Festivalul a găzduit peste 1000 de participanti au venit din zece ţări şi 15 judete din Romania, finantat de Ministerul Educatiei Nationale a procentului de 48%, restul cheltuielilor fiind oferite de sponsori - companii din judetul Tulcea.
A cincea ediţie a Festivalului Internaţional "Peşte de aur" este deja o tradiţie şi un standard de calitate ale folclorului naţional şi internaţional.
Din 1997 a contribuit bugetul festivalului şi Consiliul Judeţean Tulcea (6,5%) bugetul restul fiind asigurat de către Ministerul Educaţiei (52,4%) şi sponsori (41.1%). În 1998 s-a alaturat Ministerului Culturii (11,2%) de un buget total de 355 de milioane (lei vechi), iar în 1999 a devenit co-finanţare şi ansamblul Artistic "Baladele Deltei" până în prezent.
A opta editie au participat ansambluri de zece şi 14 judeţe străine.
Co-finanţator al Festivalul Internaţional de folclor pentru copii şi tineret "Peşte de aur" din anul 2004 şi a devenit municipiul Tulcea, care, în ultimii ani a oferit cel mai mare de co-finanţare.
Numărul mare de populare care au solicitat participarea (în fiecare an de punere în aplicare) permisiunea de a efectua selecţii riguroase sunt acceptate doar cei cu mare artistice. Acest festival nu a pierdut atracţia sa, a continuat să crească numărul de spectacole organizate de tinerii participanţi.
Din cauza acestui festival, au cântat pe etape Tulcea ansambluri din întreaga lume, Spania, Grecia, Turcia, Polonia, Macedonia, Ungaria, Armenia, Georgia, Bulgaria, Moldova, Venezuela, Italia, Slovacia, Ucraina, Rusia, Serbia, Croatia, Lituania, Letonia, Cipru, Olanda, etc. Română şi ansambluri în toate provinciile ţării.
Festivalul a avut loc în fiecare an Tulcea Inspectoratului Scolar Judetean, copiii şi elevii Palace Tulcea, iar în 1999 a venit de-a lungul şi artistice centrul judetul Tulcea pentru că Dl Stephen Coman a fost numit director al acestei instituţii, dar a rămas un profesor la Departamentul de Student Club Folk Adunării, fiind directorul festivalului şi ansamblul Artistic "Baladele Deltei" şi acum sponsorul principal a devenit Tulcea comună.
Fiecare ediţie a festivalului a fost organizată ca un concurs pe două secțiuni: români şi străini.
Juriul a fost format din specialisti in fiecare domeniu (dans, etnologie, muzica), nume de Radio, TV, instituţii culturale, etc... Exemple: Tita Sever, Gheorghe Popescu, Nicolae Nistor, Theodor Vasilescu, Marin Barbu, Eugenia Florea, Florentina Satmari etc.
Festivalul a fost prezentat în fiecare an în mass-media locale şi naţionale şi este considerat cel mai mare festival în România şi în străinătate şi a câştigat o reputaţie mondială în organizarea şi calitate.
Cu toate acestea, acest festival rămâne o componentă esenţială a publicului.
La un moment dat atunci când se discută problema de globalizare, identitatea europeană şi relaţia acesteia cu identităţi naţionale dintre problemele de sistemele de comunicare în masă este capacitatea de a supravieţui mass-media într-o societate, pe anumite perioade de timp. Într-o societate democratică, guvernul are un rol limitat, sisteme de stabilitate şi de supravieţuire sunt mai dificil de a identifica şi un loc foarte important este ocupat de comunitatea locală.
La curent Tulcea Festivalul "Peşte de aur" a trecut de la o generaţie la un alt grup sau patrimoniului cultural al naţiunii, ideologia sale: o viziune a trecut, prezent şi viitor lume. Acesta este un amestec de mituri, tradiţii, valori şi principii care dau indivizii unei identităţi etnice sau naţionale, ajută să descopere şi să integreze.Contact
Prof. Stefan Coman Festival Director
- email -
- telefon – 0240.532.599/ 0744.519.858
- fax – 0240.532.563 detalii,sursa :
Many years ago in 1992 based on the idea of Mr. Prof. Stefan Coman, choreographer and coordinator of children's folk ensemble "Doruletul" Palace of Children and Students from Tulcea, to create a true celebration of folk everywhere and Danube to gather the messengers of folklore all children in the country and abroad, founded one of the largest international folk festivals for children and youth in the country.
Since the first edition (the 1993) Tulcea festival was attended by seven foreign folk (Bulgaria, Greece, Poland, Albania, Georgia, Russia, Moldova) and ten sets representing different counties (Alba Bacau , Braila, Constanta, Gorj, Olt, Timis Nasaud, Suceava, and Prahova Salaj). These folk have added the Tulcea County (Isaccea Cercheza glory, Niculitel, springs, Greece, Children's Palace Tulcea).
Organized by Student Club Tulcea, Tulcea County School Inspectorate and financed by the Ministry of Education and financially supported by many companies, the first festival proved a success in a gathering tulcenii overwhelmingly. From the first moment of the festival artistic folk costumes parade the streets have become overcrowded, and later show room to be besieged by curious of all ages.
Since the 1995 Festival International Festivals calendar is included in the annual published by the International Council of Folklore Festivals Organization (CIOFF) Section B of UNESCO.
The large number of people forced virtually the organizers for the coming years to hold outdoor performances outside competition.
In 1995 the festival has hosted over 1,000 participants came from ten countries and 15 counties in Romania, financed by the Ministry of National Education in the percentage of 48% remaining costs being provided by sponsors - companies in Tulcea County.
The fifth edition of International Festival "Golden Fish" is already a tradition and a quality standard of national and international folklore.
Since 1997 the festival budget has contributed and Tulcea County Council (6.5%) the remaining budget being provided by the Ministry of Education (52.4%) and sponsors (41.1%). In 1998 he joined the Ministry of Culture (11.2%) of a total budget of 355 million (ROL), and in 1999 became co-financing and Artistic Ensemble "Delta Ballads" so far.
Eighth edition was attended by ten ensembles and 14 foreign counties.
Co-funder of the International Folklore Festival for Children and Youth "Golden Fish" since 2004 and became Tulcea Municipality, which in recent years has provided the largest co-financing.
The large number of folk who have requested participation (in each year of implementation) allowed to carry out rigorous selections are accepted only those with high artistic. This festival has not lost its attraction, continued to increase the number of shows held by the young participants.
Due to this festival, they performed on the stages Tulcea ensembles from all over the world, Spain, Greece, Turkey, Poland, Macedonia, Hungary, Armenia, Georgia, Bulgaria, Moldova, Venezuela, Italy, Slovakia, Ukraine, Russia, Serbia, Croatia, Lithuania, Latvia, Cyprus, Netherlands, etc. Romanian and assemblies in all provinces of the country.
The festival was held every year Tulcea County School Inspectorate, Children and Pupils Palace Tulcea, and in 1999 came along and Artistic Center Tulcea County because Mr. Stephen Coman was appointed director of this institution, but he remained a professor at the Department of Student Club Folk Assembly, being the festival director and Artistic Ensemble "Delta Ballads" and now the main sponsor became Tulcea Municipality.
Every edition of the festival was organized as a contest on two sections: Romanian and foreign.
The jury was composed of specialists in every field (dance, ethnology, music), names of Radio, TV, cultural institutions, etc.. Examples: Tita Sever, Gheorghe Popescu, Nicolae Nistor, Theodor Vasilescu, Marin Barbu, Eugenia Florea, Florentina Satmari etc.
The festival was presented every year in local and national media and is considered the greatest festival in Romania and abroad and has gained a worldwide reputation in the organization and quality.
However, this festival remains an essential component of the public.
At a time when discussing the issue of globalization, European identity and its relation to national identities one of the problems of mass communication systems is the ability to survive the media in a society, over some periods of time. In a democratic society, the government has a limited role, stability and survival communication systems are more difficult to identify, and a very important place is occupied by the local community.
In the current Tulcea Festival "Golden Fish" passed from one generation to another group or cultural heritage of the nation, its ideology: a vision of past, present and future world. This is a mixture of myths, traditions, values and principles which give individuals an ethnic or national identity, helps him discover and integrate.
This year 2012 the festival celebrates the twentieth edition number - Jubilee Edition.
Prof. Stefan Coman
Festival Director
- email -
- telefon – 0240.532.599/ 0744.519.858
- fax – 0240.532.563 detalii,sursa :
Since the first edition (the 1993) Tulcea festival was attended by seven foreign folk (Bulgaria, Greece, Poland, Albania, Georgia, Russia, Moldova) and ten sets representing different counties (Alba Bacau , Braila, Constanta, Gorj, Olt, Timis Nasaud, Suceava, and Prahova Salaj). These folk have added the Tulcea County (Isaccea Cercheza glory, Niculitel, springs, Greece, Children's Palace Tulcea).
Organized by Student Club Tulcea, Tulcea County School Inspectorate and financed by the Ministry of Education and financially supported by many companies, the first festival proved a success in a gathering tulcenii overwhelmingly. From the first moment of the festival artistic folk costumes parade the streets have become overcrowded, and later show room to be besieged by curious of all ages.
Since the 1995 Festival International Festivals calendar is included in the annual published by the International Council of Folklore Festivals Organization (CIOFF) Section B of UNESCO.
The large number of people forced virtually the organizers for the coming years to hold outdoor performances outside competition.
In 1995 the festival has hosted over 1,000 participants came from ten countries and 15 counties in Romania, financed by the Ministry of National Education in the percentage of 48% remaining costs being provided by sponsors - companies in Tulcea County.
The fifth edition of International Festival "Golden Fish" is already a tradition and a quality standard of national and international folklore.
Since 1997 the festival budget has contributed and Tulcea County Council (6.5%) the remaining budget being provided by the Ministry of Education (52.4%) and sponsors (41.1%). In 1998 he joined the Ministry of Culture (11.2%) of a total budget of 355 million (ROL), and in 1999 became co-financing and Artistic Ensemble "Delta Ballads" so far.
Eighth edition was attended by ten ensembles and 14 foreign counties.
Co-funder of the International Folklore Festival for Children and Youth "Golden Fish" since 2004 and became Tulcea Municipality, which in recent years has provided the largest co-financing.
The large number of folk who have requested participation (in each year of implementation) allowed to carry out rigorous selections are accepted only those with high artistic. This festival has not lost its attraction, continued to increase the number of shows held by the young participants.
Due to this festival, they performed on the stages Tulcea ensembles from all over the world, Spain, Greece, Turkey, Poland, Macedonia, Hungary, Armenia, Georgia, Bulgaria, Moldova, Venezuela, Italy, Slovakia, Ukraine, Russia, Serbia, Croatia, Lithuania, Latvia, Cyprus, Netherlands, etc. Romanian and assemblies in all provinces of the country.
The festival was held every year Tulcea County School Inspectorate, Children and Pupils Palace Tulcea, and in 1999 came along and Artistic Center Tulcea County because Mr. Stephen Coman was appointed director of this institution, but he remained a professor at the Department of Student Club Folk Assembly, being the festival director and Artistic Ensemble "Delta Ballads" and now the main sponsor became Tulcea Municipality.
Every edition of the festival was organized as a contest on two sections: Romanian and foreign.
The jury was composed of specialists in every field (dance, ethnology, music), names of Radio, TV, cultural institutions, etc.. Examples: Tita Sever, Gheorghe Popescu, Nicolae Nistor, Theodor Vasilescu, Marin Barbu, Eugenia Florea, Florentina Satmari etc.
The festival was presented every year in local and national media and is considered the greatest festival in Romania and abroad and has gained a worldwide reputation in the organization and quality.
However, this festival remains an essential component of the public.
At a time when discussing the issue of globalization, European identity and its relation to national identities one of the problems of mass communication systems is the ability to survive the media in a society, over some periods of time. In a democratic society, the government has a limited role, stability and survival communication systems are more difficult to identify, and a very important place is occupied by the local community.
In the current Tulcea Festival "Golden Fish" passed from one generation to another group or cultural heritage of the nation, its ideology: a vision of past, present and future world. This is a mixture of myths, traditions, values and principles which give individuals an ethnic or national identity, helps him discover and integrate.
This year 2012 the festival celebrates the twentieth edition number - Jubilee Edition.
Prof. Stefan Coman
Festival Director
- email -
- telefon – 0240.532.599/ 0744.519.858
- fax – 0240.532.563 detalii,sursa :
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