Într-o societatea în care bărbaţii încă se mai întreabă „ce-şi doresc femeile”, Teatrul de Artă Bucureşti a descoperit secretul eternului feminin: firea permanent schimbătoare a sexului „slab”.
Gavrunski, personajul masculin, cun
de-a lungul piesei femeia înger, femeia exaltată, femeia paznic, femeia
autoritară, femeia disperată, femeia victimă, femeia romantică –
acestea devenind norocul şi ghinionul din viaţa sa. Şi pentru că tot
femeia are cheia decăderii şi înălţării unui bărbat, Gavrunski se lasă
purtat în acest montagne-russe al stărilor, preluând controlul sau
lăsându-se controlat de entitatea cel mai greu de înţeles şi definit:
Cum să devii dintr-un timid, un mare cuceritor de femei? Află dintr-Un bărbat şi mai multe femei.
Regia: Bogdan Huşanu
Cu: Paula Chirilă şi Geo Constantinescu
Un barbat si mai multe femei de Leonid Zorin detalii , sursa : https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=355295241231845&set=a.352132931548076.82480.346857425408960&type=1&ref=nf
Cum să devii dintr-un timid, un mare cuceritor de femei? Află dintr-Un bărbat şi mai multe femei.
Regia: Bogdan Huşanu
Cu: Paula Chirilă şi Geo Constantinescu
Un barbat si mai multe femei de Leonid Zorin detalii , sursa : https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=355295241231845&set=a.352132931548076.82480.346857425408960&type=1&ref=nf
Art Theatre Bucharest discovered the secret to eternal feminine and like you say it to you, Friday, Oct. 26, 2012, from 19:00 at Cafe Theatre Eagles.
In a society where men are still asking "what women want" Art Theatre Bucharest discovered the secret of eternal feminine: constantly changing nature of sex "weak".
Gavrunski, male character, cun
army along the track she angel exalted woman, woman guard, authoritative woman, desperate woman, the woman victim, romantic woman - making them good luck and bad luck in his life. And since she has the key revocation and ascension of a man wearing Gavrunski leave this roller coaster of state, taking control or be controlled entity leaving the more difficult to understand and define: Female.
How to become a shy, great conqueror of women? Find out A man and several women.
Director: Bogdan HUSANU
By: Paula Chirila and Geo Constantinescu
A man and several women Leonid Zorin details, source: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=355295241231845&set=a.352132931548076.82480.346857425408960&type=1&ref=nf
In a society where men are still asking "what women want" Art Theatre Bucharest discovered the secret of eternal feminine: constantly changing nature of sex "weak".
Gavrunski, male character, cun
army along the track she angel exalted woman, woman guard, authoritative woman, desperate woman, the woman victim, romantic woman - making them good luck and bad luck in his life. And since she has the key revocation and ascension of a man wearing Gavrunski leave this roller coaster of state, taking control or be controlled entity leaving the more difficult to understand and define: Female.
How to become a shy, great conqueror of women? Find out A man and several women.
Director: Bogdan HUSANU
By: Paula Chirila and Geo Constantinescu
A man and several women Leonid Zorin details, source: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=355295241231845&set=a.352132931548076.82480.346857425408960&type=1&ref=nf
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